12th scale Detailed dado rail AD4001
Victorian Floor Tiles Paper PP95
Pair of Small Chimney DHD30140S
12th scale Wall Plaques Leaf x 4 AD7030
Shop Door Handle Unpainted HF050
12th scale Small arch window inner & outer AD2003
Wallpaper Embossed Yellow Brick Stretcher Bond DIY759C
Wallpaper Embossed Weathered Brick Stretcher Bond DIY759B
Wallpaper Embossed Red Brick Stretcher Bond DIY759A
Resin moulding Small Fancy Pattern Internal Corner x 2 AD7016I
Resin moulding Small Fancy Pattern External Corner x 2 AD7016E
Clear Plastic Sheet .5mm for Glazing GlA4
Pack of 6 Door knob A gilded HF133G
Pack of 6 Door knob burnished black HF140
Waste Pipe RW07
Round Pillar 220mm tal DIY752
12th scale Inner basement window & casement AD2021
Wallpaper Raffina Pink on Cream with border PP362
1:12 Wallpaper Tiffany Pink PP124
12th scale Resin Fancy door capping AD1030
12th scale Dolls House Brass door Knocker by Sussex Crafts Miniatures HF126G
Wallpaper Symphony Stripe Blue on Cream with border PP375
Thumb Latch non-working DH228
12th scale Fancy Wall Brackets x 2 AD7019
12th scale Resin Lion’s Head Plaque x 6 AD7013