Toy/Ornaments TY33
Glass of orange juice with straw
Pastry Cutter FP02
Jar of Hair Wax HD19
Christmas Pudding 4276
Set of Vintage Books D1058
Metal Round Ashtray SR03
Thermos flask and cup
OA52 Pair Of Staffordshire Dogs brown and white
Silvo Cleaner Bottle LP51
Pledge Cleaner LP53
Colman’s Mustard LP54
Home Pride Flour LP55
Silver Spoon Sugar LP56
Brillo Box LP57
PG tips Tea LP58
Weetabix Packet LP59
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes LHK38
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes LHK39
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes LHK40
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes LHK42
Shop Door Handle Unpainted HF050
Gingerbread man biscuit cutter FP16
1/24th Scale Water Jug DS24A
Tray of Yorkshire Puddings 3261