Small Parcel_1000g
Cumberland Door 9252
2th scaleKraantjestkan (Dutch coffee pot) TC21
1/12 scale Double Bed/Unfinished CL08642
Aluminium Chair S8006
12v 12 Socket Power Strip with On/Off Switch + Fuse LT9017/EL45
1/12 Dolls House Quality Furniture Classic Cream Armchair 4062
1/12 scale French style Single Bed BEF215
Handmade, Bottle jack KS034
Lead Style Drainpipe Kit GU222
1/12 Dolls House Quality Furniture 3-piece Suite S09655
House keepers Cupboard Oak DF1207
1/24th Food Preparation & Storage 11-piece Set FP51
Water filter replica of stoneware water filter KS242
Delux Tenor Saxophone 9/549
1/12 scale French style Dressing Table bef219
Corner Display Cabinet White T5445
Black leather loveseat Sofa T6517
12th scale Rectangular Display Cabinet Walnut T6323
Regency fireplace KIT AD6012
1/12 Dolls House Quality Furniture 4-piece Suite DF889
Front Door with fanlight DIY639
FRONT DOOR with fanlight DIY639/CV128
Accessories Bread Bin Blue and White CP060